Available for over 40 natures of suit (General Contract, ERISA, Insurance, Patent, Securities, etc.). Available reports are:
1. The 5 Most Popular Districts
2. The 5 Districts Most Favorable to Plaintiff
3. The 5 Districts Most Favorable to Defendant
4. The 5 Fastest Districts, and
5. The 5 Slowest Districts.
Updated annually. Click Here for a Complete List of Top 5 Reports
See how districts compare on case win rates, time to termination (all cases, cases with judgments, trial judgments), damage awards and litigation expenses, and much more. Case win rates broken out into overall win rates (includes consent and default judgments), contested win rates (does NOT include consent and default judgments), and trial win rates. Awards section include average and median awards for each of the five districts included in the selected report.
If you need more or fewer than 5 districts, or are interested in other districts, you can get the same types of information in LegalMetric's Custom District Comparison reports.